Don’t miss events in Kingston and area
Here is a quick snapshot of what’s happening around town the next 48 hours.
Wednesday: Live 365: Summer Music Series. Free outdoor performances three days a week in the summer. Check out the Swinging Summer Wednesdays at the Springer Market Square Amphitheatre. This week featuring Cranberry Dixieland Band. Things get underway at 6!
Wednesday: One of the most acclaimed singer-songwriters of his generation, Steve Earle, will be playing at the Kingston Grand Theatre. Showtime is 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: Drag Bingo! You can check out the fun at Daft starting at 7:30 p.m.
LOCAL SPORTS: Support Our Teams
Kingston Baseball Association
July 10th HL Timbits Teeball
Yankees @ Expos at 6 p.m. (Oakridge)
Mariners @ Royals at 6 p.m. (Ron LaVallee #1)
Angels @ White Sox at 6 p.m. (Ron LaVallee #2)
Have an event coming up you think we should know about? Let us know!