The Kingston 48

Don't miss events in Kingston and area

Don't miss events in Kingston and area!

Here is a quick snapshot of what’s happening around town the next 48 hours.


Tonight: Get your groove on with our sizzling salsa classes! Join us for some spicy moves, electrifying beats, and a whole lot of fun. No experience necessary – beginners welcome! Every Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Springer Market Square, then enjoy the open dance floor until 10pm.

Tonight: Tom's TUNESday Happy Hour Jam, Open Mic/jam with Tom Savage & friends! Join in the fun at the Club at the RCHA starting at 4. 

Tomorrow: Kingston Public Market: The Kingston Public Market is the oldest market in Ontario and has been providing food and a sense of community to residents of Kingston since 1801.

Tomorrow: Ride the B-17 and B-25 in Kingston. The B-17 Flying Fortress Sentimental Journey and the B-25 Mitchell Maid in the Shade will be at the Kingston Norman Rogers Airport in Kingston, from tomorrow until the 21st. Ground tours start at 9 am. 

The market is located in Kingston’s historic downtown, right behind City Hall, and is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 8:30 am – 5 pm

LOCAL SPORTS: Support Our Teams

Greater Kingston Senior Soccer Association

July 16 Portsmouth Celtic FC vs. Boca Nooners @ 6:30 Barr Homes 4
July 16 Glenhaven United vs. K-Town Valhalla @ 6:30 CFB McNaugton
July 16 Rangers vs. Athletic Kerala @ 8:30 MikMac Field
July 16 Cararaqui SC vs. Scarpazza Homes @ 9:00 CaraCo Home Field

Kingston Baseball Association

July 16 Gananoque Mets @ Gananoque Blue Jays 5:15 Cartwright
July 16 Gananoque Yankeers @ Gananoque Dodgers 5:15 Town Park
July 16 Gananoque Red Sox @ Gananoque Cubs 6:15 Town Park

Have an event coming up you think we should know about? Let us know!

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