What's good in Kingston

Car enthusiasts - get your motor started!

How about some long-weekend fun for car enthusiasts?

The annual B & B Memorial Show and Shine is back at Centennial Park in Harrowsmith tomorrow (Saturday, August 31st.)

The show is in honor of the late Bailey Green and Blake Young, who had a passion for cars. Event organizer Trish Green talks about how it all got started.

And its a truly family affair. Green has a rundown of what they have planned for this year's edition. 

It is of course open to those who just want to walk around and check out the mechanical marvels. But if you want to show off your ride, Green has the information you need to take part. 

So, again donations of non-perishable food items and cash will be collected for the South Frontenac Food Bank. 

Awards will be handed out in many divisions including the prestigious Blake's Choice and Bailey's Choice awards. 

The event runs rain or shine from 10am until 4pm.

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