What's good in Kingston

Save a life, donate blood

You can be a hero and save someone's life any day of the week by giving blood. And we're fortunate to be in a city where you don't have to wait for a clinic to set up an appointment. 

Canadian Blood Services Community Development Manager Debbi Barfoot, tells us just how high the need is. 

About half of all Canadians are eligible to donate, but only 1 in 76 actually do. 

Barfoot says the fall and winter months are usually busier, because during the summer people understandably have more on their minds. 

If you've never donated, you're encouraged to take the eligibility quiz at blood.ca. 

The Canadian Blood Services office on Gardiners Road is always accepting donors. Barfoot says signing up is easy to do. 

That number again is 1-888-2-Donate. The website is blood.ca

Even if the next little while does see an increase, it's not enough. Every drop counts. You can be hero and save a life just by making one donation.

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