What's Good in Kingston

You can help level the playing field

With the latest school year in the books, it is never too early to think about supporting students for the upcoming school year.

The Backpack Program, run by the United Way KFL&A, gives backpacks and school supplies to families in need, thanks to donations from individuals, businesses, and organizations.

In 2023, community support provided 1,100 children with necessary school supplies. Basic supplies cost $200 to $300 per student, and with rising costs, the need for support remains high this year.

We spoke with John DiPaolo, United Way KFL&A President and CEO, who says they’ve seen the increasing need in the community.

If you’d like to make a donation, you can drop off school supplies at the United Way office in Kingston at 417 Bagot Street. Or you can make a monetary donation online.

After gathering supplies, volunteers will begin packing backpacks in mid-August. These backpacks will be distributed to agencies and schools before the new school year starts.

Back-to-school can be an anxious time for many students. DiPaolo says going to school without the supplies needed to be successful is another layer that students shouldn’t have to worry about.

For a full list of recommended items by age group, or to make a donation, visit UnitedWayKFLA.ca/BackpackProgram.

Donations are being accepted until August 16th.

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