Holy jumpin' - Massive OPP cost increases face local municipalities

New costs likely to be covered by ratepayers

As municipalities in the Kingston area prepare their 2025 budgets, many are facing significant increases in what they pay for Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) services. 

Smaller, rural communities are particularly affected, with the increased costs expected to be passed on to residents through higher property taxes.

South Frontenac Township, for example, is facing a 14.9% hike, from $2.9 million in 2024 to $3.3 million next year. 

Central Frontenac Township is also anticipating a 14% increase, while Loyalist Township expects a more than 20% rise in policing costs, which will add over 2% to its property tax increase. 

As we have previously reported, Greater Napanee is facing a projected 23% jump in OPP expenses.

The OPP has acknowledged these concerns and is working with municipalities to reduce the financial impact. 

They emphasize that they are committed to helping local governments manage the increased costs without negatively impacting residents.

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