Calling all workplaces in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington
Who doesn't love a little friendly competition!
KFL&A Public Health's Ways to Wellness Workplace Challenge is a health campaign for workplaces in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington region. It promotes healthier habits with fun activities that encourage staff to move more, eat better, and sit less at work.
This challenge can be a simple way to start supporting employee health and well-being in the workplace.
We spoke spoke with health promoter Madison Schuler, who told us more about the challenge.
Ways to Wellness Workplace Challenge will take place over three months, September, October and November, each month having its own theme.
Moving more, eating well, and sitting less are all tied to improving our overall physical and mental well-being.
And yes, there are prizes!
Schuler says they have prize packs available for workplaces if they'd like to get employees excited and incentivized about this challenge. The prize packs are available on a first come first served basis while supplies last. Workplaces are also encouraged to get creative and maybe find their own ways to incentivize staff.
To learn more and to register, visit KFLAPH.ca/WaysToWellness.