Project faces uncertainty
The City of Kingston has confirmed its ongoing financial support for the Sleeping Cabin Program, despite the decision by Our Livable Solutions (OLS) to pause the project. Known as Crossroads Village, the program aimed to provide temporary housing in sleeping cabins. However, OLS has placed the project on hold due to unresolved agreements with its partners.
The City is working to ensure that residents living in the cabins are supported during this uncertain time. Housing and Social Services staff are offering housing options to cabin residents ahead of the program's scheduled wind-down on September 30, 2024.
The City expressed disappointment over misinformation from OLS suggesting a lack of financial support. The City had been a partner since 2022 and remains committed to selling the cabins to OLS for $1 if they secure operating funds within two years. The City has also pledged $500,000 for site preparation and amenities.
For more information, visit the City of Kingston’s website.