Mayor Paterson welcomes news of major artery being restored

Work on the Lasalle Causeway - Photo: Service and Procurement Canada

Temporary LaSalle Causeway bridge set to open October 3

The City of Kingston has committed to an opening date for the Lasalle Causeway. 

The City says it will re-open Thursday, October 3, much to the relief of Mayor Bryan Paterson. 

The temporary bridge will feature a shared roadway for cyclists and drivers, and a separate sidewalk for pedestrians, who Mayor Paterson says have altered their lives since the bridge closed. 

The Mayor also says the closure has resulted in a downturn for local businesses since the bridge went out, so the opening is most welcome. 

Traffic signals around the LaSalle Causeway and Waaban Crossing will be updated on the reopening day. The signals will be monitored in the following weeks to ensure they meet the new traffic patterns.

The Mayor also says despite the good news, they still need to look forward to a permanent solution.

In the meantime, Kingston Transit will follow its current weekday schedule on October 3 and 4. 

New service schedules for Saturday and Sunday will start on October 5 and 6, respectively. Additionally, three route changes will take effect on October 5.

Residents are advised to subscribe to Road and Parking Notices and other alerts for the latest updates on the reopening and future scheduled closures.

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