Concern has been raised over schedules
The Wolfe Islander IV is scheduled to officially start full-time service on August 17, 2024. Officials say it will offer a major upgrade for passengers traveling between Kingston and Wolfe Island. As one of North America's first electric passenger and vehicle ferries, it can carry 50% more vehicles than the Wolfe Islander III, transporting an additional 500 vehicles daily.
With a round trip scheduled every 80 minutes, the ferry will depart Wolfe Island at 5 a.m., with the last trip leaving Kingston at 2:20 a.m..
Some residents have questioned the schedule and are asking for more flexibility in the form of more trips. So far, there have been no changes announced by the province. But the Ford government says that ongoing work on charging and docking infrastructure promises even more frequent service in the future.
Officials thank users and residents for their patience during the transition.
For more details on the Wolfe Islander IV, including the schedule, visit Ontario Ferry Services.