OPP warn: no ice is safe ice
Frontenac OPP responded to two separate incidents on December 28, 2024, involving recreational machines that broke through thin ice on local lakes.
The first call came from Shabomeka Lake in North Frontenac Township. A resident reported snowmobile tracks leading to a hole in the ice. Officers located the rider at home, unharmed. The snowmobile, now submerged in 10 feet of water, is the owner's responsibility to remove.
Later that day, a side-by-side UTV sank on Sydenham Lake in South Frontenac Township, about 100 feet from shore. The rider escaped safely but was soaked and freezing.
Both incidents highlight the dangers of unpredictable ice conditions caused by fluctuating temperatures. OPP remind the public that no ice is truly safe.
Follow snow machine safety tips: inspect your vehicle, wear survival gear, stay on trails, and always ride sober.